Cosmetic Fair GIFT @ AKERUKA - French Bento nails - SlackGirl - Stardust


[AK] Lulu Bento Head New Gen 2.6 Anniversary Gift!
Only for this week GIFT with the group.
Hud Animations sold separately
Akeruka LULU BENTO FREE for 1 Week June 14-June 21 
Cosmetic Fair GIFT @ AKERUKA - French Bento nails - SlackGirl 
Featuring SlackGirl Intenza Eyeshadow
New Eyeshadow set party style available now on SlackGirl Main store for Akeruka - Catwa - Omega heads 
Stardust Eirian White Tattoo Ad@Chapter4
Model and Photographe: Almagris Bouvier 

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